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Diane Eagles - Ceramic artist



The Hobby Cave - 'Come as you really are'

Hetain Patel, Artangel exhibition 

Showing 'The Chemist's Counter' collection

18th July - 20th October 

Grants, Croydon 


Dulwich Artists Open House


Exhibition and installation of artists residency work from The Ness of Brodgar Archaeological dig 2018 - 2023

All Saints Church, Dulwich

11 - 19th May 2024 


Edible Clay Spoons -

Chavah clay clod

Ejected earthen Eden

Adamah awake anguish

Exhibited in Letters to the Earth: Between Despair and Hope - Rogart Mart, Lairg, Scotland. Supported by the Highlands and Island Climate Hub June 2 - 4th 2023

Galsgow Society 1st - 6th July 2023


Shadow of delight and Dance of Eternal Death - published in The Blake Society Journal Vala 3 - 30th Nov 2022 


Deep Fake - showing as part of Museum in residence Itinerant exhibition - Tijuana Mexico, December 2022


Vala III - The Journal of the Blake Society November 2022 Featuring The Dance of Eternal Death and Shadow of Delight 


575 Wandsworth Road - Artists residency National Trust with the Battersea Zoomers and Katherine Low Settlement - Showing at the Pumphouse Gallery Battersea Park October 2022 


Deep Fake - showing as part of Museum In residence Itinerant exhibition - Berlin KHB Studios - March, Mexico, La Verdi project Space-July 2022 


Vala II – The Journal of the Blake Society November 2021 ‘The Lamb at the Gate’ article


In The Open Rydale Folk Museum Art Gallery exhibition September – November 2021

Snakehead Selected


Inspiration from the Invisible - The College of Psychic Studies – August 2021

Eden’s figures Shortlisted


Intent- July - August 2021 A series of Instagram posts featuring ceramic The Ness of Brodgar Grooved Ware assemblage photographs drawing upon the idea of local cultural connections as well as linking to people and making connections beyond Orkney.

Linked to Un-Boxing a travelling exhibition across a network of curators, artists and archivists over the course of a year, July 2021 – 2022 Various locations


Can we ever know the Meaning of these Objects? Gallery 46, London July 2021

A group exhibition exploring the relationship between made objects and found artefacts. Unearthed – The Associated Clay Workers Union.

Ékstasis from Ancient Greek meaning ‘outside of oneself’ Méli, Gála, Elaiólado

Museo en Residencia Southwark Cathedral, London, July 2021

Exhibition of small-format, pocket-sized, works -Deep Fraud 


Message in a Bottle - Visions from Covid - 19 Lockdown Exhibition, The Old Operating Theatre Museum St. Thomas Street, London May - June 2021


Connected - 2 week virtual residency at The Ness of Brodgar Archaeological dig, Orkney, Scotland. daily posting of images on Instagram as a result of Covid 19 restrictions cancelling the dig. 


The Lamb at the Gate: with The William Blake Society, Blake's Cottage, Felpham and Bunhill Fields, London 2020

Sheltered: Southwark Cathedral, London Nov - Jan 2020

'Votive' - exhibition with The Associate Clay Workers Union, at Southwark Cathedral and re gifting of unfired ceramic art work into the Thames as Part of the Thames Festival September 2018

Showing: Hoard
Votives were gifted to the Thames 30th September 2018

Feast and Found: Southwark Cathedral, London Jan- Feb 2019

Ceramic works inspired by the Orkney Ness of Brodgar Archaeological dig.

Gifted: Artefacts and Inspiration from The Ness of Brodgar, Stromness Museum, Orkney, April - September 2018

Initial ceramic sculptural works prior to a 3 week summer residency at The Ness, inspired by the Archaeological dig, Neolithic ceramics and Orkney clay.

The Humble Servant: Ceramic art inspired by William Blake and Swedenborg, Swedenborg House, London October - November 2017

Exhibition of works at Swedenborg House and part of the Bloomsbury festival. 

Remaking Nature: The Wellcome Collection, London, May 2017

Online exhibition exploring connections with nature.

The London Bridge Clay Project Exhibition as part of The Associate Clay Workers Union, of ceramic art work made from clay dug from 30 metres below London Bridge Station. Exhibition at Southwark Cathedral, London Bridge, January - March 2017  

Shown: Pipes

Ladies & Gentlemen: The Bawden Kingston Tile Project, Kingston Guildhall & Morley College, Kingston & London, 2017.

Ceramic tiles response to Edward Borden and Truda Carta tiles ‘found’ during refurbishment of Kingston Guildhall.

Site Fringe Exhibition, Transgender, Gender & Psychoanalysis, Draper Hall, London, March 2017

A group exhibition of art work inspired by sexuality and gender to accompany The Site conference fringe week. Shown: Oracle

Cover of 'Arts & Health' Vol 11. Issue 2. June 2019

Sown: Expulsion

Cover of 'The International Journal of Art Psychotherapy’, Vol 21 Issue 3 Nov 2016 Shown: Creation

Cover of 'The British Journal of Psychiatry' Vol 214 No. 2 February 2019 Shown: Temptation

Made Ceramics - Morley Gallery, Waterloo, London 2015

Exhibition of Morley College students. Shown: Tripod, Depressions, Furuncle.

London Potters Annual exhibition - Morley Gallery, London 2012 – 2015 Judges Commendation prize 2012 and 2013

Handmade In Britain – Contemporary Crafts & Design Fair, Chelsea, London 2014

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